Demand more for your body, for less.
Hormones will derail your life if you don’t get them under control. With our affordable blood testing and telemedicine evaluations – you can now quickly and conveniently take charge of your own health.


Total and Free Testosterone
$19.99 +
The hormone and its active form that provides energy, libido, good mood, and leverage over fat loss and muscle building.

Total and Free Testosterone + Estradiol
$39.99 +
Testosterone can be converted to an excess of one of its metabolites, estradiol (the most prevalent estrogen), that causes negative side effects.

Total and Free Testosterone + Estradiol and LH/FSH
$149.99 +
To evaluate the ability of the testicles and adrenals to produce endogenous (one’s own) testosterone.

Hormone Optimization Panel
$249.99 +
A more thorough measure of hormone and other assays related to optimum health.

Health Optimization Panel
$389.99 +
The most comprehensive initial measure of assays related to optimum health.

Telomere Testing Panel
Price TBD
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DNA Testing
Price TBD
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Total and Free Testosterone
$19.99 +
The hormone and its active form that provides energy, libido, good mood, and leverage over fat loss and muscle building.

Total and Free Testosterone + E2
$39.99 +
Because testosterone can be converted to an excess of one of its metabolites, estradiol (the most prevalent estrogen), that causes negative side effects.

Total and Free Testosterone + Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol, and LH/FSH
$149.99 +
To evaluate the ability of the ovaries and adrenals to produce endogenous (one’s own) testosterone as well as a measure of the healthy and unhealthy forms of estrogen.

Hormone Optimization Panel
$249.99 +
A more thorough measure of hormone and other assays related to optimum health.

Health Optimization Panel
$389.99 +
The most comprehensive initial measure of assays related to optimum health.

Telomere Testing Panel
Price TBD
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DNA Testing
Price TBD
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Request the blood test you need by filling out this form.

Take the lab slip to your local blood testing company and have the blood test taken. They will send your results directly to us.

A specialist at Regenerative & Sports Medicine will contact you to book a tele-health virtual consultation to explain how we partner with patients to optimize their health and quality of life.
RSMTesting is operated by the trusted professionals at Regenerative & Sports Medicine, the premier anti-aging clinic based in Santa Monica, CA. Our patient track record is indisputable.

1. Quality Testing Made Affordable
Blood testing is one of the most common ways to test hormone levels. Ordering a test that’s specific to your gender is crucial in determining the right therapies. Consult with our team to determine which one is best for you.

2. Fits into Your Schedule
Private. Affordable. Convenient. Order your test today and select an appointment and facility that’s convenient for you.

3. Expert Analysis with a Holistic Viewpoint
When determining a treatment approach, the primary goal is to gain proper balance in life. We examine all lifestyle factors, along with medical factors that could be contributing to your health and well-being.

4. One-On-One Consult with an RSM Specialist
A Regenerative & Sports Medicine specialist will contact you to book a tele-health virtual consultation to explain how we partner with patients to optimize their health and quality of life.ed.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my hormones are ‘off’?
Signs or symptoms of hormonal imbalance can vary including weight gain or unexplained or sudden weight loss, fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle aches, stiffness or swelling in joints, dry skin, thin hair, infertility, depression, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, decreased sex drive, brain fog, forgetfullness, low energy, lack of desire to do the things you love, etc.
Are there symptoms specific to females that should be considered?
Yes! Changes in menstrual cycle, excessive facial hair growth, acne, darkening of the skin, skin tags, vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy, pain during sex, night sweats, loss of bone mass, headaches, etc. can all be indicators of hormonal imbalance.
Are there symptoms specific to men that should be considered?
Yes! Abnormal breast development, tenderness, sensitivity or tingling of nipples, erectile dysfunction (ED), decrease in body hair growth, loss of muscle mass, loss of bone mass, difficulty concentrating, and yes, even hot flashes, can all be indicators of hormonal imbalance.
What should I do before a hormone test?
Fasting is required for at least 8 hours prior to testing. Most tests that require fasting are best scheduled for early in the morning. That way, most of your fasting time will be overnight. Avoid all food and beverages (Except for water; you CAN drink water!) for 10 hours prior to the test. You may continue to take your medications as directed by your healthcare provider.
Should I stop certain medications?
No. You may continue to take your medications as directed by your healthcare provider.
What is the best time to check hormone levels?
Testing can be performed at anytime.
How long does it take to get my results?
8-10 days from when you get your blood drawn.
What happens after I get my results?
After you receive your results we highly recommend scheduling a 30 or 60 minute consultation with one of our medical providers. Please call our office to schedule your appointment and inquire about our fees. Consultations include medical provider recommendations regarding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, nutrition, supplements, and ways to optimize your health and quality of life.